PRODUCTION - 1/50 LARUE D55 Snow Blower

PRODUCTION - 1/50 - LARUE D55 Snow Blower

We did start the final production of our Limited edition of "1/50 - LARUE D55 Snow Blower".

As you can see, the assembly test is done.  Every parts are completed and ready to be painted.  Most of them are done, and waiting for the final assembly.

Our expectations are to complete everyone of them by January 20th 2023.
And ship them the week after.

If you Pre-Order one previously, you are going to be contacted by us shortly.

Here is some pictures of what they look like.

PRODUCTION - 1/50 LARUE D55 Snow Blower

PRODUCTION - 1/50 LARUE D55 Snow Blower PRODUCTION - 1/50 LARUE D55 Snow Blower

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